Camping Gear Guide

Camping is a great way to get away from it all for a while, get closer to nature, and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of the great outdoors. But in order to set yourself up for a successful camping trip, you need to have the right camping gear. Having the right equipment can make or break your trip, and it doesn’t need to cost the earth to get set up - from the essentials to those creature comforts that just make a night in a tent feel that little bit more luxurious, we’ve put together this guide to help you find the right camping gear at the best prices.
There are plenty of great UK retailers selling camping gear, such as,, and, and you can order from them even if you’re outside of the UK, using forward2me’s parcel forwarding service.
Where to buy Cheap Camping Gear
On a budget? There is lots of cheap camping gear available from UK retailers, so you can get the equipment you need at a price that’s right for you. have a great range of products, including tents for as little as £30, camping mats and airbeds, camping chairs and cooking stoves so you can pick up everything you need for a great trip.
Another great UK retailer for cheap camping gear is, who sell all the camping essentials you need at a good price. Whether you’re looking for a tent to fit the whole family, or a cool box to keep your food fresh, they’ve got you covered. are another great source of bargain camping gear. Amazon sell just about everything these days, and their range of camping gear is extensive. They have tents, torches, sleeping bags and more, and you can usually find a bargain no matter what you’re looking for. They also regularly do lightning deals, which are worth keeping an eye out for.
Where to buy Essential Camping Gear
Whether this is your first time camping, or you’re a pro who knows exactly what they need to buy, there are a number of UK retailers that are perfect for buying your essentials from, whether you would like to pick up everything from one place, or shop around for different items. have all of your outdoor needs covered, from clothing to tents and sleeping bags. They stock camping furniture, lighting, and picnicware, so you can cover all your eating and sleeping requirements. are another great option for camping essentials. Whether you need everything from a tent to a sleeping bag, or if you just need to pick up a few things such as a gazebo or a power supply, they’ve got you covered.
It’s also worth looking at Millets stock a similar range of essential camping items, including tents, airbeds, camping stoves, and accessories.
Where to buy Cool Camping Gear
Once you’ve got the basics covered, you might want to pick up a few gadgets or innovative pieces of camping gear that are super practical, or just really cool to take your next camping trip to the next level.
Having to go without a shower would put lots of people off camping, but luckily you can buy portable solar-powered showers from places like Amazon, such as this one which carries up to 20 litres of water.
If you like the idea of relaxing under a treetop canopy with your nearest and dearest friends or family, then this giant triple hammock available from could be the luxury buy you’re looking for. Big enough for three people to fully stretch out, there’s no better way to sleep under the stars - and you can even stack them, if you’re part of a bigger group.
If you want a camping stove that doesn’t take up a whole lot of space, then the folding firebox available from is an absolutely genius piece of kit - it folds down totally flat, and is super versatile. It can be used with most fuels, and it leaves no trace!
Where to buy Discount Camping Gear
If you’re looking for a serious bargain, the UK has a number of great discount outdoor retailers, including,, and who all sell everything you could ever need for your next camping trip, at discounted prices.
It’s also always worth checking out any of the sites we’ve mentioned in this guide so far to see whether they have a clearance page - many of them do, and you can snap up some real bargains by checking them out!
Ship outside the EU and save 20% tax when buying from U.K.
If you’re shipping to a country that is not within the EU, you could save 20% VAT by signing up with forward2me’s tax-free warehouse.
VAT is a paid by residents of the UK, however, it does not need to be paid by residents of countries outside the EU. However, if you are ordering to a UK address first to be forwarded on, retailers are still obligated to charge VAT. By using our tax-free warehouse in Guernsey, you can avoid being charged this tax unnecessarily, and still order from your favourite UK retailers.
With our tax free warehouse, you can save an extra 20% on your camping gear, so why not sign up today? We understand that you probably have a few questions about how the forward2me service works, so we’ve explained everything on our ‘how it works’ page.
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