How to buy online from Mandarake Japan and Ship Worldwide

Japan has a vast selection of anime and manga items that can only be purchased in the country. One of the largest online stores is Mandarake Japan, known for their extensive collection of doujinshi, manga, cels, toys, shitajiki, CDs, posters and art-books, but have no fear, with a free forward2me Japanese forwarding address, you too can get your hands on this extensive collection no matter where you are in the world!
How we help you buy from Mandarake Japan

1 - Sign up for your free Japanese address
2 - Go to the Mandarake Japan website and start shopping
3 - Order your items to your forward2me Japanese address
4 - We receive & ship your package
Sit back and relax! Your package will be with you very soon from your chosen courier.
What can you buy from Mandarake?


Manga Books

Anime Figures & Toys

How to buy from the Mandarake online store
Step 1 - Go to the Mandarake Website
It might not seem as clean and polished as the eCommerce websites you’re typically used to browsing, but we will help you navigate through
Step 2 - Navigate the Websitе
カテゴリを絞る: Choosing a product category.
出品店舗: Filter by products in a specific shop.
売り切れ: Show only available products or also those that have already been sold.
値段で絞る : Filter by price range of the product.
時間で絞る : Filter by most recently added items.
アダルト商品 : Hide adult-only products.
在庫状態 : To change the order in which products are displayed.
商品区分 : To filter by only new, used or both products.
The price excluding tax (this will be added on later).
The name of the shop which has the item.
"カート" button which adds the product directly to your basket.
"あとで見る" button is used to add the item to your wish list.
Click on the thumbnail or the name of the item to reach the product page.
Main menu: The main menu is found directly under the search bar and is organised by various categories such as Manga books, Toys, Doujin and much more.
Site update pages: Every 6 hours, Mandarake updates its listings with pages of new products on the left-hand side of the site. Check back regularly to find unique, rare finds.
Step 3 - Add products to your basket
Step 4 - Order via forward2me's Japanese address
mandarake Frequently Asked Questions
Mandarake is similar to eBay in that it does have auctions in which users can bid on products; however, you predominantly outright purchase items from the site. Mandarake is also a chain with physical stores in Tokyo, Osaka, and Fukuoka, which eBay sellers might not.
Yes, Mandarake does sell second-hand goods; however, they are checked to be the highest quality possible for you.
There is an English version of the Mandarake Japan; however, it does not have the extensive catalogue of products that the Japan site has, so you may not find all of the items you are looking for. Instead, you can use 3rd party translators, for example, the Google Translate add-on for Chrome, that will translate your web pages for you in the browser.
Everyday Auction: This auction happens every day with no registration fee required; you only need to sign up for an account to participate.
Big Web Auction: This auction happens every two months and has an entrance fee of $5 for the product catalogue. Purchasing a catalogue is like buying a ticket to the auction to participate.
Live Auctions: These auctions are frequently happening, allowing everyone on the site to bid on the identical product simultaneously, just like in a real life auction. Like the everyday auction, you need to register in advance on the site to participate.
Mandarake accepts payment via PayPal, except for adult-only products, including all items related to the Hentai.
Depending on the size and weight of your package and where it is being shipped to, it could cost between 1,130 yen and 8,200 yen if shipped directly from the Mandarake store. This can be very expensive if you are getting items from different sellers as you will have to pay multiple shipping charges. Instead, you can take advantage of forward2me’s combine and repack or consolidation services to cut down on shipping costs of all of your items.