There are some UK retailers that, for whatever reason, don't allow customers outside of the United Kingdom to pay for or even place an order on their website. Some refuse to accept a non-UK credit card. This is where the forward2me Personal Shopper service steps in. We will place your orders with retailers and suppliers on your behalf.

Browse UK shopping sites

Send us your shopping list

Pay us with your non-UK card

We buy & ship your goods
Our system allows you to input the detail of your purchases. You can request whatever items in whatever sizes, colors, and quantities you wish from whichever retailer you desire. We will then place the order on your behalf allowing you to pay us instead. The cost of the Personal Shopper service includes the value of the goods, an administration fee, any costs for shipping to us in England and any applicable VAT. Shipping fees from forward2me to your destination address will be invoiced separately once the goods have been received at your York House address. This means that you can now access any UK goods or UK-based retailer that you may desire without being restricted by your international or non-UK credit card.